Wednesday, May 15, 2013

OH - Kirtland's tops 26 species of warbler at Magee Marsh today 05/14

Crane Creek WMA - This morning (May 14th) my group and I found a female Kirtland's Warbler on the East Beach Trail at Magee Marsh. The bird (pictured below in the first four images) topped a stellar cast of 26 species of warbler tallied by our Birdfinders group during the day. In the afternoon we wrestled with a distant Bairds/White-rumped Sandpiper at the Crane Creek Estuary and had to walk away leaving it unidentified for the time being. And then there was the two Philadelphia Vireos on the boardwalk at Magee to round off another incredible day - both of these birds could be seen at arms-length (quite literally) and seemed oblivious the assembled admirers.


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