Showing posts with label Blue Grosbeak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Grosbeak. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2019

MA - more Dickcissels and a Blue Grosbeak!

Blue Grosbeak (first-winter) - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 9th, 2019.

It's been another sensational week of fall birding in Franklin County. From a personal perspective, the highlight would have to be the Blue Grosbeak found by Aaron Hulsey and Joe Oliverio in Deerfield Meadows on the 9th. I don't mind admitting that I've been on the look out for this species in the county for years but hadn't even heard of one until Aaron very kindly sent me a text to let me know of his find. Fortune worked in my favor and I had an appointment that afternoon that placed me only ten minutes away from the spot where Aaron and Joe had found the grosbeak. Within a few minutes of arriving I was watching the bird, albeit briefly and in the rain. No matter, I was really happy with the find and very grateful to Aaron and Joe.

Dickcissel - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 8th, 2019.

Deerfield Meadows was again the 'sweet spot' of the week as it had been in the first week of the month. Numbers of Song, White-throated, White-crowned and Savannah Sparrows concentrated here along with a couple each of Vesper and Lincoln's Sparrows and a good late showing of Indigo Buntings. Among them, more Dickcissels could be found with 4 on the 8th and another on the 10th. In a typical autumn I'm lucky to see a single Dickcissel so to tally 6 individuals from a single site in matter of days was well beyond expectation.

Dickcissel - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 10th, 2019.

Dickcissel - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 10th, 2019.

Other passerines of note included a Vesper Sparrow Caldwell Road Sod fields in Northfield on the 6th, at Red-eyed Vireo at Deerfield Meadows on the 10th,  50 American Pipits together at Caldwell Road Sod fields in Northfield on the 11th, and a Winter Wren in Wendell State Forest on the 12th. Large movements of Yellow-rumped Warblers have been seen over North Cross Road, Gill on most mornings this week, usually involving 45-65 birds with most activity occurring around sunrise. Hermit Thrush, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Field Sparrow have all featured as migrants on North Cross Road as well this week.

(Western) Palm Warbler - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 10th, 2019.

Vesper Sparrow - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 10th, 2019.

Winter Wren - Wendell State Forest, Franklin Co., MA. October 12th, 2019.