Blue Grosbeak (first-winter) - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 9th, 2019.
It's been another sensational week of fall birding in Franklin County. From a personal perspective, the highlight would have to be the Blue Grosbeak found by Aaron Hulsey and Joe Oliverio in Deerfield Meadows on the 9th. I don't mind admitting that I've been on the look out for this species in the county for years but hadn't even heard of one until Aaron very kindly sent me a text to let me know of his find. Fortune worked in my favor and I had an appointment that afternoon that placed me only ten minutes away from the spot where Aaron and Joe had found the grosbeak. Within a few minutes of arriving I was watching the bird, albeit briefly and in the rain. No matter, I was really happy with the find and very grateful to Aaron and Joe.
Dickcissel - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 8th, 2019.
Dickcissel - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 10th, 2019.
Dickcissel - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 10th, 2019.
Other passerines of note included a Vesper Sparrow Caldwell Road Sod fields in Northfield on the 6th, at Red-eyed Vireo at Deerfield Meadows on the 10th, 50 American Pipits together at Caldwell Road Sod fields in Northfield on the 11th, and a Winter Wren in Wendell State Forest on the 12th. Large movements of Yellow-rumped Warblers have been seen over North Cross Road, Gill on most mornings this week, usually involving 45-65 birds with most activity occurring around sunrise. Hermit Thrush, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Field Sparrow have all featured as migrants on North Cross Road as well this week.
(Western) Palm Warbler - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 10th, 2019.
Vesper Sparrow - Deerfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 10th, 2019.
Winter Wren - Wendell State Forest, Franklin Co., MA. October 12th, 2019.