Showing posts with label Henslow's Sparrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henslow's Sparrow. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2019

MI - Warblers in Spring Part II

Kirtland's Warbler - male, Grayling, Crawford Co., MI. May 16th, 2019.

After six brilliant days in Ohio birding along the Lake Erie shore, it was time to head north-west and focus on some of the breeding in birds in central-north Michigan. Passing through Jackson County, we couldn't resist trying another site for Henlsow's Sparrows followed by a mid-morning visit to some surrounding Oak woodlands. Here we found our only Cerulean Warblers and Acadian Flycatchers of the trip along with a singing male Golden-winged Warbler, and several Hooded Warblers and Yellow-throated Vireos. By the afternoon, we'd already reached Grayling where we lucky enough to watch numerous singing Kirtland's Warblers showing superbly well in the evening sunlight.

Kirtland's Warbler - male, Grayling, Crawford Co., MI. May 16th, 2019.

Cerulean Warbler - Jackson Co., MI. May 16th, 2019.

Cerulean Warbler (female) - Jackson Co., MI. May 16th, 2019.

Henslow's Sparrow - Jackson Co., MI. May 16th, 2019.

North American Porcupine - Grayling, Crawford Co., MI. May 16th, 2019.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

OH - Henslow's - up close

Perhaps the biggest surprise from "The Biggest Week in American Birding", this Henslow's Sparrow from the boardwalk at Magee Marsh. I don't have much experience with this grassland breeder but the presence of this migrant in damp woodland threw me off balance completely. Remarkably tolderant, it fed just feet off the boardwalk in front of hordes of admirers. Kudos to the finder whoever he/she was!

Henslow's Sparrow - Magee Marsh Wildlife area, NW Ohio. May 13th, 2014.

Friday, May 17, 2013

MI - Henlsow's quest 05/17

The last two days have seen a distinct shift in tempo for our tour. With migration slowing a little at Magee Marsh we've been able to concentrate on finding some of the scarcer breeding species in Ohio and Michigan. We also added two species to our ever growing warbler list for the tour, finding Blue-winged yesterday at Oak Openings and Cerulean today near Ann Harbor in Michigan. The highlight would have to be the Henslow's Sparrows that we found singing today (05/17) near Ann Harbor before embarking on the long drive to Grayling, MI.

Acadian Flycatcher - singing bird near Ann Harbor, MI.

Cerulean Warbler - singing male near Ann Harbor, MI.

Eastern Whip-poor-will - Magee Marsh, NW Ohio. May 16th. 2013.
Remarkably, our third roosting 'whip' of the tour.

Henslow's Sparrow - near Ann Harbor, MI.
Red-headed Woodpecker - Oak Openings Preserve, NW Ohio. May 16th, 2013.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

MI - Henslow's quest

 Henslow's Sparrow - Southern Lower Peninsula, MI. May 8th, 2012.

Just back from a short trip to Ohio and Michigan. Two rare songbirds very much on my 'wish list' were Kirtland's Warbler and Henslow's Sparrow though I recognized that I was probably a bit early for both of them. 

Having scoured multiple recommended sites in Central and Northern Ohio for Henslow's Sparrow without success, I gave up chasing ghosts and decided to let the little beast come to me......which it did in Michigan on my way up to Grayling. I found these birds by driving past suitable looking habitat with the car windows down listening for the distinctive but unobtrusive "tsillik" song. Three different singing males are featured in this image set, all of them from the same field which held a further two singing males heard but not seen. When perched up and singing the birds weren't too difficult to see, but they would often fall silent for fairly long periods (15 - 20 minutes at a time) when they would be impossible to detect, or least from the roadside. How fortunate I was to be driving past when the birds were vocal!

As for the Kirtland's Warbler, more  on that story later..........

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

MA - Henslow's still around - 07/01

Swung by Montague on my way out this morning and was pleased to see and hear the Henslow's Sparrow still singing vigorously in the middle of the same field off Meadow Road. Dull, foggy, almost autumnal conditions meant that my struggle for a decent image of this bird goes on!

Henslow's Sparrow. Singing just off Meadow Road, Montague, Franklin Co., MA. July 1st, 2009.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

MA - Henslow's Sparrow - 06/28

The Henslow's Sparrow was again present and singing at Meadow Road, Montague today, much to the delight of many assembled birders. We visited the site around noon and were eventually rewarded with a prolonged view of the bird teed up nicely for several minutes. The bird was vocal throughout much of our short stay though only visible for us on this one occasion. A most exciting bird to have in the Pioneer Valley during the summer months! Let's hope it sticks around.

Earlier today, Matt Garvey captured some video footage of the Henslow's including some excellent audio of the diagnostic song, which is really worth listening to. Click here for Matt's video.

Henslow's Sparrow - Meadow Road, Montague, Franklin Co., MA. June 28th, 2009. These images were taken from the roadside through heat-haze at midday with the bird about 40 meters distant.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

MA - Henslow's Sparrow - 06/27

Henslow's Sparrow Ammodramus henslowii. Singing from a Hay Field off Meadow Road in the town of Montague, Franklin County, MA. Although somewhat distant, the bird was visible for long periods during the 75 minutes that I was present with Matan along with two visiting birders (Ida Giriunas and Molly Taylor) from the Boston area. Found and reported by Mark Fairbrother earlier in the day. I can't remember seeing a report of a singing Henlsow's Sparrow on Massbird since I've been living in Massachusetts!