Yellow-billed Cuckoo - Mill Village Road, Deerfield, Franklin Co., MA. October 26th, 2018.
Found by Harvey Allen and Dawn Winkler. One of the latest documented records for Franklin County.
Image appears courtesy of Dawn Winkler
The daily dose of birding excellence continued through to the month's end in Franklin County. Again, I tried to limit my drive time to within a 20 minute radius of our house in Northfield. Here's a summary of some of the latest highlights;
Bufflehead - small fall-out on October 30th with at least 31 from three sites in Turner's Falls and 8 on the Connecticut River at Montague.
Cackling Geese (2) just left of center - Upinngil Farm, Gill, October 29th, 2018.
Cackling Goose - continued excellent showing through to the end of the month. For example, 3 at Turner's Falls on the 25th, 1 at Tri-town Beach from the 28th - 31st, and 2 at Upinngil Farm, Gill on the 29th.
Northern Harrier - juvenile, Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 26th, 2018.
Northern Harrier - adult male, Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. October 30th, 2018.
Northern Harrier - singles at Northfield Meadows and Turner's Falls Airfield, the latter site included a male on the 30th.
American Coot - Tri-town Beach, Whately, Franklin Co., MA. October 30th, 2018.
American Coot - one at Tri-town Beach, Whately through to the 31st.
Common Gallinule - first-winter at Tri-town Beach through to Oct 30th, continuing from the 19th when it was initially found by Josh Rose.
Pectoral Sandpipers - Hell's Kitchen, Northfield, Franklin Co., MA. October 28th, 2018.
Pectoral Sandpiper - 5 together at Hell's Kitchen on the 28th with 3 still present on the 29th.
Semi-palmated Plover - Hell's Kitchen, Northfield, Franklin Co., MA. October 28th, 2018.
Semi-palmated Plover - 1 at Hell's Kitchen on the 28th was still present on the 29th.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 on Mill Village Road, Deerfield, Franklin Co., October 26th, 2018. Seen by Harvey Allen and Dawn Winkler.
Eastern Screech-Owl - 1 (giving whinny calls) on North Cross Road, Gill at dawn on the 30th. Unusual here.
Horned Lark - 29 south over Northfield Meadows on the 28th. A poor autumn for this species so far.
Snow Bunting - 1 - 2 at Northfield Meadows and Turner's Falls Airfield from the 28th - 31st.
Evening Grosbeak - male, Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 26th, 2018.
Evening Grosbeak - a male in Northfield Meadows on Oct 26th, another westbound over North Cross Road, Gill on the 27th.
Pine Siskins - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 31st, 2018.
Pine Siskin - daily flyovers, most birds heading west but 40 feeding along a field edge on Meadow Road, Montague on the 28th (Brian Kane), and 35 in similar habitat in Northfield Meadows on the 31st.
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 on North Cross Road, Gill on the 28th.
Yellow-rumped Warbler - small numbers at multiple locations but an impressive 25 in Northfield Meadows on the 31st.
Palm Warbler - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 31st, 2018.
Palm Warbler - 1- 5 in Northfield Meadows through to the 31st. All appeared to be of the 'yellow' eastern form.
Common Yellowthroat - 1 in Northfield Meadows on the 29th.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - small numbers at multiple locations throughout but 14 at the Turner's Falls Rod and Gun club on the 29th was unusual and included one flock of 11.
Winter Wren - 1 on North Cross Road, Gill at dawn on the 30th.
White-throated Sparrow - up to 300 in Northfield Meadows through to the end of the month.
White-crowned Sparrow (adult) - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 31st, 2018.
White-crowned Sparrow - continued incursion with relatively good numbers (up to 20) through to the end of the month in Northfield Meadows, and smaller numbers (2 - 6) on Pine Meadow Road, Northfield, Turner's Falls and Monatgue.
Fox Sparrow - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 26th, 2018.
Fox Sparrow - continued presence at Northfield Meadows (up to 8) to the month's end plus 16 in Montague on the 28th (Brian Kane).
American Tree Sparrow - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. October 29th, 2018.
American Tree Sparrow - 1 on Meadow Road, Montague on the 28th (Brian Kane) and 1 in Northfield Meadows on the 29th.
Swamp and
Savannah Sparrows - about 25 + of each species in Northfield Meadows through to the end of the month.