White-crowned Sparrow - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. May 6th, 2020.
Northern Parula (male singing) - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. May 6th, 2020.
The migrant of the day would have to be Yellow-rumped Warbler (150+) with migrant groups all along the Connecticut River from Montague City down to Sunderland, and back along River Road in Deerfield to Montague City once more, a 20 mile loop on the bike. Northern Parulas (6+) featured in the early part of the ride but I didn't hear any singing after about 9:15 am. Baltimore Orioles too, were common throughout the ride and another summer breeder that clearly arrived in numbers overnight. In the evening, a surprise Eastern Meadowlark was singing on South Ferry Road on Montague along with multiple Savannah Sparrows, plus a Merlin playfully stooping at an American Kestrel!
Yellow-rumped Warbler (male) - Montague City, Franklin Co., MA. May 6th, 2020.
An impressive day for this species with easily over 150 birds along the Connecticut River between Sunderland and Turner's Falls.
Gray Catbird - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. May 6th, 2020.
White-throated Sparrow - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. May 6th, 2020.
Good numbers of migrants moving through Franklin County in early May.