Showing posts with label Amercian Robin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amercian Robin. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

MA - Black Vultures in downtown Greenfield!

 Black and Turkey Vultures - Federal Street, Greenfield, Franklin Co., MA. February 28th, 2018.

The last day of the month brought warm sunshine and a notable increase to the flock of Ring-necked Ducks at Barton Cove with an absolute minimum of 35 present, most of which were males, plus three male Bufflehead and a continuing drake Northern PintailCommon and Hooded Mergansers, and Common Goldeneye were also plentiful in the same area. But the highlight of the morning came by virtue of a visit to the Docs in downtown Greenfield. I happened to be on Federal Street just as a major roost of Turkey and Black Vultures dispersed to  head out for foraging. A tight flock of five Black Vultures slipped away to the south-west low above the roof tops and, feeling a little miffed that I'd missed a nice photo opp, I was more than happy to find more vultures at roost in a tall spruce close by.  As they dispersed three more Black Vultures showed in that group! Although I've recorded Black Vulture in every month in Franklin county with the exception of December and January, eight birds is by far the largest concentration that I've found locally.

 Black and Turkey Vultures - Federal Street, Greenfield, Franklin Co., MA. February 28th, 2018. A rather heavy crop.

Black Vultures - Federal Street, Greenfield, Franklin Co., MA. February 28th, 2018. 

Black Vultures - Federal Street, Greenfield, Franklin Co., MA. February 28th, 2018. 

Turkey Vultures arrived locally last week with three on Federal Street on Feb 21st and another at Gill center on Feb 25th. Among the passerines, further indications of spring included widespread arrivals of Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles from Feb 18th and a rather impressive concentration of 1600 American Robins in Bascom Hollow, Gill on the 23rd. Earlier in the month a huge flock of around 275 Cedar Waxwings descended on downtown Turner's Falls to devour the crab apple crop along Avenue A and the surrounding streets affording exceptionally close views.

Cedar Waxwing - Avenue A, Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. February 14th, 2018.

Cedar Waxwing - Avenue A, Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. February 14th, 2018.

Golden-crowned Kinglet - Charlemont. Franklin Co., MA. February 4th, 2018.