Showing posts with label Fork-tailed Flycatcher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fork-tailed Flycatcher. Show all posts

Friday, November 26, 2010


Finally found a decent window of time to try for this long staying beauty, present for its ninth day at Cove Island Park Wildlife Sanctuary in Stamford, CT. A long day out from Western Mass but more than worth it. Originally found by Tina Green on November 17th, and consistently present in the same relatively small area of habitat within the sanctuary. This is a bird that I'd love to find in Western Mass someday!

Gracious thanks to Jim Dugan and all in the CT birding community for keeping us informed on a day to day basis.

More pics to follow. This is the first batch - taken with my old Canon Powershot A560 hand held with a Swarovski HD spotting scope.

A brief summary of the migration and distribution of this species can be found at the ABA Peeps page here