Showing posts with label Sooty Thrush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sooty Thrush. Show all posts

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Costa Rica 2020 - Part II


White-eared Ground-Sparrow - Hotel Bougainvillia, Santa Domingo, Costa Rica. January 5th, 2020.
A tricky species with a very patchy distribution in Central America. I hadn't quite appreciated that most of the guests at the hotel were composed of birding groups, many of them with a keen interest in seeing this species. Fortunately, all members of our party managed to have pretty good views. 

Jan 5th - 8th; Santa Domingo/ Paraiso Quetzal Lodge/Savegre Valley and Lodge. The Hotel Bougainvillia had been good to us but it was time to head for the hills and start the Naturalist Journeys Costa Rica Birding and Nature Tour in earnest. We climbed up to the spectacular  Talamanca Mountains for our first taste of cloud forest birding at Paraiso Quetzal. Regional endemics were plentiful and during the following three days we were treated to a dazzling array of high quality species often in stunningly beautiful surroundings. Indeed, we spent much of January 7th on foot exploring the surroundings of the rather plush Savegre Hotel Natural Reserve & Spa, our base for two nights of the tour. That particular day included no less than six Resplendent Quetzals and ended up being one of the most enjoyable days of birding that I've had for some years. The following day, January 8th, we soaked up in one last morning around the Savegre Hotel and then retraced our steps back over the Talamanca Mountains, crossing the Continental Divide and dropping back down into Cartago. Johan Fernandez was our guide with some assistance from Marino Chacon at the Savegre Hotel, and supported throughout by Jorge our stoic driver.  

Rufous-naped Wren - Hotel Bougainvillia, Santa Domingo, Costa Rica. January 5th, 2020.

Hotel Bougainvillia, Santa Domingo, Costa Rica. January 5th, 2020.
The hotel boasts 10 acres of bird-rich, beautifully landscaped gardens.

Hoffman's Woodpecker (female) - Hotel Bougainvillia, Santa Domingo, Costa Rica. January 5th, 2020. Regional Endemic.

Lesson's Motmot - Hotel Bougainvillia, Santa Domingo, Costa Rica. January 5th, 2020.

Hotel Bougainvillia, Santa Domingo, Costa Rica. January 5th, 2020.

Crimson-fronted Parakeets - Hotel Bougainvillia, Santa Domingo, Costa Rica. January 5th, 2020.
Regional Endemic. Screeching flocks of these parakeets passed over the hotel grounds fairly frequently especially in late afternoon/early evening. 

On the road. Leaving the suburbs and heading for the Talamanca Mountains. January 6th, 2020. 

Black-capped Flycatcher - Paraiso Quetzal, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. January 6th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

The trails at Paraiso Quetzal, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. January 6th, 2020. 
Entering the cloud forest for the first time on the trip.

Black-thighed Grosbeak - Paraiso Quetzal, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. January 6th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

Montane Forest - Paraiso Quetzal, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. January 6th, 2020. 

Ochraceous Pewee - Paraiso Quetzal, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. January 6th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

Sooty-capped Chlorospingus - Paraiso Quetzal, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. January 6th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

Buffy Tuftedcheek - Paraiso Quetzal, Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. January 6th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

Birding the Copey Road,  Talamanca Mountains, Costa Rica. January 6th, 2020. 

Location of Savegre Valley relative to San Jose. 

Resplendent Quetzal  (male) - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 7th, 2020. 
The first of three males seen by our group in just one day!

Resplendent Quetzal  (male) - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 7th, 2020. 
The second of the three males seen by our group. 

Sooty Thrush (male) - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 7th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

Slaty Flowerpiercer (male) - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 7th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

Yellowish Flycatcher - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 7th, 2020. 

Jeeps required to get up to the trails at Los Pioneeros. Savegre Hotel & Spa. January 7th, 2020. 

Yellow-thighed Finch - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 7th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

High elevation birding - Los Pioneeros Trails above the Savegre Valley. January 7th, 2020.

Overlooking the Savegre Valley. January 7th, 2020.

Black-billed Nightingale-thrush - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 8th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

Savegre River , Costa Rica. January 8th, 2020.

Torrent Tyrannulet - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 8th, 2020.

Barred Becard - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 8th, 2020.

Black Guan - Savegre Valley, Costa Rica. January 8th, 2020. Regional Endemic. 

Flame-throated Warbler (male) - Le Esperanza, Costa Rica. January 8th, 2020. Regional Endemic.