Crissal Thrasher - San Antonio, Socorro Co., NM. January 26th, 2014.
Ferruginous Hawk - light morph, Bosque Del Apache NWR, Socorro Co., NM. January 26th, 2014.
Golden-crowned Sparrow - Bosque Del Apache NWR, Socorro Co., NM. January 26th, 2014.
At the visitor center feeders.
Rough-legged Hawk - heavy crop of adult, Bosque Del Apache NWR, Socorro Co., NM.
January 26th, 2014. One of two seen on the North Loop.
Sandhill Cranes - Bosque Del Apache NWR, Socorro Co., NM. January 26th, 2014.
Snow and Ross's Geese - Bosque Del Apache NWR, Socorro Co., NM. January 26th, 2014.