Showing posts with label Northern Pintail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northern Pintail. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2022

December - not too shabby at all!

Smith's Longspur - Hadley Honey Pot, Hampshire Co., MA. December 14th, 2022.
A fabulous find for hard working local birder Scott Surner. Fifth state record and the first documented in the Pioneer Valley.
Discovered on Dec 12th delighting hundreds throughout its stay and still present on the last day of the year!

December, traditionally a month of minimal daylight, falling temperatures and usually lots of snow. Compared to October and November, my expectations for birding in December are generally pretty low, yet over the years the month has produced exciting birding in the Connecticut River Valley. Look no further that the near simultaneous appearance of two Sage Thrashers in 2020, one in Hampshire Co., MA and one in Cheshire Co., NH!

Rufous Hummingbird (fem/juv)- Millers Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 16th, 2022.
As hardy as they come - Rufous Hummingbird in a blizzard!! First noted on Oct 7th by home homeowner
Bruce Kanash. Banded and identified on Nov 14th by Anthony Hill. Present and thriving at Bruce's home through to about Dec 21st. 

In addition to the long staying Rufous Hummingbird in Millers Falls, the month brought another major rarity in the form of a Smith's Longspur to the Hadley floodplain. Kudos must go to Scott Surner who found this bird lingering at the side of a busy thoroughfare in the Hadley Honey Pot on December 12th. To the joy of many, myself included, the longspur was courteous enough to stick around for weeks allowing hundreds of birders to share in Scott's discovery and to find itself added to the local Christmas Bird Count! At the time of writing (Dec 31st) it was still present favoring the same general area along Cemetery Road in the Honey Pot. Scott's find furnishes the fifth state record for Massachusetts and the first ever in the Pioneer Valley though there is an historical report by Harvey Allen from the nearby East Meadows April 1st, 1993. Though this record wasn't accepted by the MARC, it's always intrigued me largely because of the compelling elements of the description with comments such as "tame", "observed as close as ten feet" and "un-streaked buffy underparts indicating a female". But, birding in the modern era demands a high standard of documentation and in this respect the Hadley bird was a gift being absurdly tame, calling frequently and usually returning to the same feeding spot day after day, even when it was flushed. 

Smith's Longspur - Hadley Honey Pot, Hampshire Co., MA. December 14th, 2022.
An amazing find by Scott Surner and extra-ordinarily approachable. 

I've had quite a lot of luck with Smith's Longspurs over the years having seen them in the breeding areas on the Denali Highway, Alaska multiple times. But, the Hadley bird was only my third away from Alaska after chasing singles at Jones State Beach, Long Island, NYS in Feb 2007 (2nd state record) and Tuthill Road, Maricopa Co., AZ in Jan 2012 (2nd state record). To have one so close to home and showing so well was an absolute dream. Thank you Scott!

Other passerines of note this month but closer to home included a lingering Hermit Thrush and a late Eastern Towhee on North Cross Road, Gill on Dec 23rd and a small handful of Red Crossbills (Type 12) over Gill and along Green River Road, Colrain towards the end of the month. 

Redheads - Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 25th, 2022.
Loafing with the Mallards at Unity Park on Christmas morning, a lovely surprise though they didn't stick around for long.

View of Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 25th, 2022.

Frigid temperatures and major ice flows over the Christmas period brought some unexpected waterfowl to Turner's Falls with a female Northern Pintail at the power canal on Christmas Eve and three Redheads including a fine drake at Unity Park on Christmas morning. The Redheads didn't linger but the pintail stayed until Dec 31st and was briefly joined by a second fem/juv on the 28th. A lone juvenile Snow Goose at Barton Cove on Dec 26th was the most unusual goose of the period but also fairly typical in its random appearance. 

Northern Pintail (fem/juv) - Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 24th, 2022.
Another unusual duck showing up with Mallards, this time at the power canal. This bird lingered to the 
year's end and was joined by a second fem/juv on Dec 28th. 

Snow Goose (imm) - Barton Cove/Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 26th, 2022.

Barred Owl - Northfield, MA. December 22nd, 2022. 
Plenty of Barred Owls around often out 'sunning' on the coldest days. 

Iceland (Kumlieni) Gulls (first-cycles) - Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 29th, 2022.
Two; one darkish, one night in center of image. 

After a steady start, the numbers of large gulls began to build quite nicely towards the end of the month. With them came Iceland (Kumlien's) Gulls, initially two but then building up to five together at Barton Cove on Dec 28th with a new individual seen on the 29th so perhaps as many as six in the area by month's end. One or two Lesser Black-backed Gulls were present among the Herring Gulls too, though being immatures they were easily lost among the masses but I think at least two individuals were involved between Dec 22nd and 29th. 

Iceland (Kumlieni) Gulls (second-cycle) - Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 29th, 2022. 
In the center of the image. 

Iceland (Kumlieni) Gulls - Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 29th, 2022.
Four; two darkish first-cycle, one light first-cycle, one light second-cycle. 

Lesser Black-backed Gull (first/second cycle) - Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 22nd, 2022.

Lesser Black-backed Gull (first-cycle) - Turner's Falls, Franklin Co., MA. December 29th, 2022.
Upper left bird in this image, and probably different to the LBBG I noted on Dec 22nd. 

Happy New Year and a bird-rich 2023 to all!


Friday, January 8, 2021

MA - local Rough-legged Hawk plus Harelquin and more


Rough-legged Hawk (light morph juvenile) - Mohawk Trail Scenic Byway, Charlemont, Franklin Co., MA. January 8th, 2020. 

Found by Brendan Murtha on January 7th, 2020. 

For some inexplicable reason, Rough-legged Hawks appear to be pretty rare in Franklin County. Over 15 years of regularly birding the county at the right time of year I've managed to see just two; one at Turner's Falls Airfield on Nov 4th, 2013 and another at the Quabbin Reservoir, first found by Bill Lafley, on Jan 16th, 2016. I really don't have a clear explanation as to why my favorite North American buteo has been so aloof over the years but needless to say, when Brendan Murtha reported a light morph near Shelburne Falls on Jan 7th my interest was more than a little piqued! The location was a familiar one, a rather picturesque roadside picnic area by the Deerfield River along the Mohawk Trail. This is well known territory for our family with dozens of trips to Thunder Mountain Bike Park and Berkshire East Mountain Resort logged in years past. 

Rough-legged Hawk (light morph juvenile) - Mohawk Trail Scenic Byway, Charlemont, Franklin Co., MA. January 8th, 2020. 

This morning's venture could hardly have gone any better. No sooner had I pulled in to the rest stop and had started to layer up with warm gear than the Rough-leg appeared. It was low, close and stunning! No need for binoculars, it was an easy naked-eye identification. It drifted around the fringe of the White Pines and out of view only to return via almost exactly the same route some 30 minutes later. It was a classic, crisp New England winter's day and the views of the Rough-leg were as pure as anything I could have hoped for.  It drifted low over the Deerfield River and began quartering the lower lying fields in Buckland. 

Harlequin Duck (first-winter male) - Millers River, Franklin Co., MA. January 8th, 2020. 

Northern Pintail (fem/imm) - Turner's Falls power canal, Franklin Co., MA. January 8th, 2020.

Later in the day I caught up with the Harlequin Duck back on the Millers River, the Lesser Back-backed Gull again at Barton Cove, and the young male Barrow's Goldeneye back at the Turner's Falls power canal where a female Northern Pintail looked like the only new arrival of the day. 

Lesser Black-backed Gull (sub-adult) - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. January 8th, 2020.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

MA - waterbirds on the move part three; more Bonaparte's Gulls and Caspian Terns!

Caspian Tern - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. April 14th, 2019.
Flying in from the east with Barton Island in the background.

The morning of April 10th found me back at Barton Cove hoping to catch up with even just a tiny fraction of the fall-out seen the on the previous evening. Despite squally rain showers and 100% cloud cover, it was fairly obvious a major clearance had taken place overnight....not a single Bonaparte's Gull was present at first light. As if to emphasize the general departure of waterbirds, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers (male and 2 females) lifted off the water, circled the cove and headed off high to the NW. But 6 Ruddy Ducks, 5 Greater Scaup, 2 Horned Grebes and a Pied-billed Grebe ended up staying through the day with a fine pair of Northern Pintail appearing with the Canada Goose flocks in the evening. A Snow Goose and 2 American Wigeon remained, both species being long stayers.

Ruddy Duck - male, Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. April 10th, 2019.

Northern Harriers (2) - Turner's Falls Airfield, Franklin Co., MA. April 10th, 2019.
Two of a minimum of four seen within an hour at the airfield in mid-morning.

Clearing skies and a change to quite cold air coming from the north triggered a shift in focus and by mid-morning I was enjoying great views of a male Northern Harrier at Turner's Falls Airfield. Although I soon lost that particular male to view, a further two Northern Harriers dropped into the airfield together just as suddenly as the male had appeared. Both were 'female-like' in plumage but careful scrutiny showed them both to be young males, one of which lingered while with the other one departed fairly quickly to the NE. After 20 minutes or so, a fourth harrier dropped in, this one being a young female which spent a good 15 minutes quartering the rank grasses along the taxi-way. Spring harrier migration isn't a particularly easy event to see in Franklin County so to have four individuals within an hour at the same site was pretty remarkable. Moreover, David Sibley recorded three Northern Harriers (two adult male, one immature male) migrating through Hilltop Farm, Deerfield during the morning hours. In the evening Josh Layfield visited Turner's Falls Airfield finding two Northern Harriers (male, female-type) hunting, possibly lingerers from the morning, but it's equally possible that they were new migrants. Either way, April 10th was something of a stellar day for harrier migration in Franklin County.

Bonaparte's Gulls - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. April 12th, 2019.

The 11th was fairly quiet for new waterbird arrivals but the 12th was yet another fine day for Bonaparte's Gulls with the initial discovery of a tight flock of 17 at the Turner's Falls Rod and Gun club quickly followed by a further 5 at Barton Cove. By mid-morning both flocks had converged on Barton Cove while a brief check in the evening found seven birds present but included 3 first-cycle individuals not seen on the morning visit! So, an absolute minimum of 25 Bonaparte's Gulls passing through Barton Cove on April 12th. .

Overnight rain and warm southerlies brought yet more new arrivals on the 13th with some 55 Double-crested Cormorants between the Turner's Fall power canal and the Rod and Gun Club. New for the year was a Red-necked Grebe and a Spotted Sandpiper at Barton Cove (Josh Layfield), along with 4 Barn Swallows and a Bank Swallow at the Turner's Falls power canal. Scaup arrivals included 7 Lesser at the power canal, 7 Lesser at the Rod and Gun club and a further 7 Lesser joining the previously seen 5 Greater Scaup at Barton Cove. In the evening, 2 Black Vultures again appeared high over Barton Cove as they had done on the evening of the 11th.

Caspian Tern - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. April 14th, 2019.

April 14th dawned mild and calm and I wasn't expecting too much in the way of grounded birds but I decided to check Barton Cove in any case. Initially, things seemed a little quiet and I couldn't find the previous day's Red-necked Grebe. In the distance a group of small group of 'gulls' resting on an exposed mud bar caught my attention. Instead of scoping them at range I drove around to Riverview Drive for a closer look and there sat with a few Herring and Ring-billed Gulls were 2 Caspian Terns. As I settled down to enjoy them, I could clearly hear the distinctive grating bark of one or more Caspian Terns in the fact there were 5 of them present together in the cove!! I last them heading towards Barton Campground at about 07:20 hours.

Caspian Tern - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. April 14th, 2019.

Caspian Terns (5) - Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. April 14th, 2019.

Monday, September 24, 2018

MA - Dickcissel and MUCH more in Northfield

Dickcissel (first-winter) - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. September 24th, 2018.

This morning I headed off to Northfield Meadows in pursuit of the Dickcissel found yesterday by Eric Huston. The morning felt raw with winds in the northern quarter and it was the first day of this autumn that I felt genuinely cold, something of a relief after September's protracted warm spell. Thanks to excellent directions from Josh Layfield it didn't take me too long to find the Dickcissel but it wasn't especially cooperative often remaining buried in the thickets for long periods. Since I was happy with the views I decided to press on and perhaps visit another site, but the meadows had more treats in store and three hours later I was still there tallying upwards of 50 species! The cold air was heavy with migrants, a very nice mix of visual migrants overhead with warblers and sparrows in the scrub and Sumac thickets.

Notable arrivals/movements included Purple Finch (19), White-throated Sparrow (35), Lincoln's Sparrow (16), Swamp Sparrow (25), Cape May Warbler (7), Blackpoll Warbler (15), Palm Warbler (26), and Yellow-rumped Warbler (18). Other species of interest included Red-breasted Nuthatch, Northern Waterthrush (2), Nashville Warbler, Wilson's Warbler and Yellow Warbler (2).

Cape May Warbler (first-winter) - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. September 24th, 2018.

Cape May Warbler (adult) - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. September 24th, 2018.

Nashville Warbler - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. September 24th, 2018.

Northern Waterthrush - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. September 24th, 2018.

Lincoln's Sparrow - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. September 24th, 2018.

The first small skeins of  southbound Canada Geese appeared today with a Northern Pintail leading out one of the flocks, just to add a touch of the bizarre - my first Pintail of the fall.

Northern Pintail - Northfield Meadows, Franklin Co., MA. September 24th, 2018.