Notes about birds, birding and travel from the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
MA - probable 'Giant' Canada Goose - 10/20
This morning I had good views of a very large Canada Goose at Barton Cove, Gill. It showed a number of characteristics that I've come to associate with B.c. maxima - 'Giant' Canada Goose. Giant Canada Goose could be a regular (but rare) fall migrant through the CT River Valley where I've detected birds resembling this form annually since 2006. I also recall Marshall Iliff photographing a similar bird in Concord, MA a couple of years ago, also in October. probable 'Giant' Canada Goose (B. c. maxima) - subject bird at the upper right of the image, Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. October 20th, 2011. The same bird was also present in the 'goose field' at Upinngil Farm on Main Road, Gill, yesterday, October 19th.
My notes included;
1) Obviously very large in direct comparison to surrounding Canada Geese (likely B. c. canadensis and B. c. interior). Looked massive and much more 'stately' at all times.
2) Much larger white cheek patch than surrounding birds, especially at the upper rear of the cheek resulting in more visible white wrapping around towards the nape. Also notable, uneven amounts of white flecking across the forehead forming a near complete band. This, combined with the broader expanse on the white cheeks created a much 'whiter-headed' impression visible at considerable range.
3) Very white breast, and overall paler cast to the underparts and flanks.
4) Slightly paler cast to the upperparts.
5) Looked curiously flat-backed in the water, especially when swimming in direct comparison to canadensis/interior. This may have been posture related but it was interesting to compare to the more hunched of appearance canadensis/interior.
probable 'Giant' Canada Goose (B. c. maxima) - subject bird again at the upper right of the image, Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. October 20th, 2011.
probable 'Giant' Canada Goose (B. c. maxima) - subject bird at the rear of the image, Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. October 20th, 2011.
probable 'Giant' Canada Goose (B. c. maxima) - subject bird at the front left of the image, Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. October 20th, 2011.
probable 'Giant' Canada Goose (B. c. maxima) - subject bird at the rear center of the image, Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. October 20th, 2011.
probable 'Giant' Canada Goose (B. c. maxima) - subject bird at the rear of the image, Barton Cove, Gill, Franklin Co., MA. October 20th, 2011.Frontal view shows near complete but uneven white band across the forehead.
Posted with the understanding that subspecies of Canada Geese may not be identified with certainty in the field.
Thanks Larry. Outside of the geese, the river hasn't been that great thus far. I'm still waiting for the scoters and interesting grebes that you've had at the Quabbin.
A different Larry it seems. It has been a good year so far for scoters and grebes over here despite not much in the way of weather to put them down. Quabbin always delivers with enough time.
Interesting-It really seems to keep that tall posture.Good to see Connecticut River area is productive up your way too.
Thanks Larry. Outside of the geese, the river hasn't been that great thus far. I'm still waiting for the scoters and interesting grebes that you've had at the Quabbin.
Hi James,
A different Larry it seems. It has been a good year so far for scoters and grebes over here despite not much in the way of weather to put them down. Quabbin always delivers with enough time.
Larry T
Larry & Larry,
Apologies for the mix-up here, but great to hear from you both. Congrats to the Brownstone Birder on the local White-faced Ibis!! Great blog too.....
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