The first frosts have really brought home the fact that we're well into October so after dropping off Matan at school, I couldn't resist a local drive to check some sparrow fields on River Road in Gill. I first came across the fields on October 5th, actually pumpkin fields, and found the weedy fringes full of birds. This morning was a similar story, but I also found some obvious new arrivals - a Dickcissel and at least three White-crowned Sparrows.
Here's a list of the more interesting species present on both the 5th and 7th unless stated otherwise;
60 Savannah Sparrows, 45 White-throated Sparrows, 3 White-crowned Sparrows (all on 7th, including one potentially showing characteristics of the gambelli form).

1 Field Sparrow (on 7th only), 12 Chipping Sparrows, 6 Lincoln's Sparrows, 5 Swamp Sparrows, 50 Song Sparrows, 1 Dickcissel (on 7th only). Also, a few warblers around including up to three Eastern Palm Warblers, plus one Western Palm on the 5th, this being one of only a handful of Westerns I've seen in the Pioneer Valley in fall. Also today, 2 Nashville Warblers and a couple of Common Yellowthroats, plus a Blue-headed Vireo calling from the woods.
Several Pine Siskins flew over this site on both the 5th and the 7th.
PS. Five or six each of American Pipit and Indigo Bunting were also present on the dates mentioned above.
Happy Autumn,
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