Cooler, fresher and quite breezy today. With the wind coming from the SW the day wasn't quite as productive for visible migration as we might have hoped. However, my run at dawn was still interesting with 4 or 5 Hermit Thrushes and a singing White-crowned Sparrow on Boyle Street at first light. Even better, North Cross Road had a Barred Owl giving the classic 'who-cooks-for-you' call. All of the wet corn stubble fields held American Pipits. The middle part of the day was spent in New Hampshire, but as we drove back through Northfield a Gray Fox ran across the main street in the middle of the afternoon!
In late afternoon, I birded our neighbors property off Mountain Road in Gill. It was simply loaded with birds! Nothing unusual, but lots to look at including 300 American Robins, 25 Yellow-rumped Warblers, 5 Ruby-crowned and 2 Golden-crowned Kinglets, Hermit Thrush, Pileated and Downy Woodpeckers, Eastern Phoebe, 10 plus Chipping Sparrows, 2 Swamp Sparrows, 5 Dark-eyed Juncos and a couple of Brown Creepers.
A Striped Skunk in our yard rounded off the day nicely - it was the same that found its way into our basement the previous evening!

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