Very cold to start with this morning, frost much evidence in the early hours. However, the local streets and woods were, once again, full of bird song. During my morning run I tallied at least a dozen Northern Parulas singing, none of which will stay in our area to breed. Also numerous Scarlet Tanagers, Baltimore Orioles, Blue-winged, Black-throated Blue and Blackburnian Warblers.
At home, a single Black Cherry tree held Northern Parula, Magnolia, Blackburnian, and Yellow-rumped Warblers so I took the opportunity to take a few digibin shots from the bedroom window! Off the rear deck, a Swainson's Thrush was grubbing around in the leaf litter.
Later in the day, a Common Yellowthroat was a surprise in the flower beds outside Holdsworth Hall on the UMass-Amherst Campus.
I too, bird as I run in the mornings. This is the best time of year!
btw, you mislabeled parula for magnolia.
Thanks JoAnne. All straightened out now.....
I also run and bird in the mornings. I call it my nature run as I keep a record of the birds I see and hear and also the animals. Must admit though, I haven't seen or heard the beautiful warblers that you have but then again they haven't reached Alberta yet .... considering the storm we had a few days ago, I don't blame them! Great post!
You as well Paula! It could be fun to try and recall your most exciting birding-running moment. I've had a few good ones recently.
I'm sure plenty of warblers will be heading their way to Alberta soon. Checked-out your blog as well - great stuff and excellent images!
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