This morning we took a very enjoyable family hike around High Ledges Massachusetts Audubon Sanctuary over looking Shelburne Falls. As we stepped out of the door of our apartment in Amherst, the songs of Northern Parula, Grey Catbird and Yellow-rumped Warblers greeted us and several Chimney Swifts cruised overhead. The warm air and the volume of bird song had further increased from yesterday. The drive included singing Louisiana Waterthrush and Yellow Warbler just north of the Mohawk Trail and at High Ledges MAS many woodland songsters could be heard and seen with Ovenbird and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at the parking area, followed by many Black-throated Green and a few Black-throated Blue Warblers around the sanctuary. Indeed, Ovenbirds and sapsuckers could be heard throughout our 2.5 mile loop. We also heard and saw a Nashville Warbler along with several Black-and-white Warblers and there was a single Winter Wren near the parking area.
A handful of Broad-winged Hawks appeared to be migrating, as did an Osprey, all seen from the ledges. Around stands of Eastern Hemlocks Hermit Thrushes seemed to be everywhere and we must have tallied 18 during the walk, along with a single Swainson's Thrush. The afternoon was positively balmy which, combined with a nice southern breeze, will doubtless ensure more migrant arrivals over the next few days. For the birds already here, they don't seem to be wasting any time at all - we saw a Blue-headed Vireo nest building at High Ledges today!
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