The excellent run of local Swainson's Thrushes continues. Rain all day today and pretty cold, (below 50 deg F). Rather quiet in terms of birdsong as a result, except for American Redstarts with about seven seen and heard along the Amherst bike path. But, the low 'pwip' call of Swainson's Thrush was audible at several spots along the bike path today with two birds seen well - probably about five present in total. Another Swainson's Thrush was singing on Redgate Lane, Amherst this evening.
My evening run produced my first local Eastern Wood-Pewee of the year singing loud and clear in the Wildwood Conservation area where there was also a Great Crested Flycatcher. At Orchard Hill, UMass campus, at least two singing Blue-winged Warblers.
1 comment:
For shooting through a chain link fence, I think you did well in getting your record photos. They are a hard bird to photograph.
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