Earlier, I passed by the powerline on Mountain Road and found it reasonably 'birdy' once again with a Winter Wren, Blue-headed Vireo, six Ruby-crowned Kinglets and a couple of Field Sparrows being the pick.
Ring-necked Ducks - four of seven, Barton Cove, Franklin Co., Gill, MA.
Digiscoped image using Canon Powershot G10.
American Wigeon (rear) and Ring-necked Ducks - Barton Cove, Franklin Co., Gill, MA.
Digiscoped image using Canon Powershot G10.
Barton Cove, Franklin Co., Gill, MA.
Even on an overcast morning, the autumnal colors come in their own.
Canon Powershot G10.
Ring-necked Duck (rear) Greater Scaup (middle left) and Ruddy Ducks - Barton Cove, Franklin Co., Gill, MA. Four Ruddy Ducks were present this morning.
Digiscoped image using Canon Powershot G10.
Greater Scaup - female or first-winter with American Wigeon and Ruddy Duck,
Barton Cove, Franklin Co., Gill, MA.
Digiscoped image using Canon Powershot G10.
Greater Scaup - female or first-winter with American Wigeon and Ruddy Duck,
Barton Cove, Franklin Co., Gill, MA.
Digiscoped image using Canon Powershot G10.
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