A most useful introduction to white-cheeked goose identification in Arizona can be viewed here on the AZFO website.

I would welcome comments on the identity of any of the white-cheeked geese posted here. Thanks.
Good birding,
Notes about birds, birding and travel from the Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts.
As always, nice post and photographs. Chuck Caron and I had small white-cheeked goose in Ipswich, Massachusetts yesterday. I placed a few dull photos on my blog and posts posts by a few knowledgeble birders point away from Cackling (we didn't like the bill proportions)toward smaller race of the Canada clan. Your comments would be welcome, enjoy the warmth of the southwest.
Well, I just got an education! I knew here were cackling geese but had no idea there were all these subspecies. I followed the link provided and will have to study more now that I know! Thanks!
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