A muggy, misty start to the day produced a really excellent little feeding flock on North Whitney Street, Amherst. Highlights included another Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, a juvenile this time and therefore not the adult female posted on the 8th, plus about 5 Blackpoll Warblers, 10+ Yellow-rumps, 4 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 2 Blue-headed Vireos, Golden-crowned Kinglet, an Eastern Phoebe, and 20+ American Robins.
Over Sunderland at noon, Susannah spotted a high flying flock of Canada Geese which contained a very good candidate for a Cackling Goose. Unfortunately, we didn't have bins at the time but the flock size wasn't big (c.17) and this bird looked very good being much smaller, slimmer with narrower wings and faster more fluid wingbeats. The flock was heading south. Ah well.
Late in the afternoon during a family drive, we came across about 80 Canada Geese, some Mallards and three Ring-necked Ducks on Atkins Reservoir, North Amherst, the latter being my first of the fall locally.

Generally, the last two days have seen Dark-eyed Juncos and White-throated Sparrows turning up in local yards with some of the White-throats in song.
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