Spent a most enjoyable day in the local area with visiting birding friends from the UK, Richard and Erica Klim. High on their wish list was Mourning Warbler, so we headed off to October Mountain near Lee, MA. The Mosquitoes and Black Flies were pretty fierce but it wasn't too long before we could enjoy good views of a male Mourning Warbler in a clear fell along County Road. Another bird was seen, with a further two heard singing. I found this to be a most interesting area with good numbers of species such as Winter Wren, Alder Flycatcher, Canada Warbler and a Golden-crowned Kinglet. Later we passed through Mt Tom near Northampton to enjoy Louisiana Waterthrush, and finished the day on the North side of the Quabbin with migrating Common Nighthawks, plus Eastern Towhee, Prairie Warbler and a fabulous display and chorus of Whip-poor-wills (about 4 in total). Special thanks to Richard and Erica.
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