The balmy South-easterlies, now in their third straight day, brought a plethora of migrants to Gill today including this Caspian Tern quartering high above Barton Cove this morning. The bird remained well above tree top height for most of the fifteen minutes that I watched it. Also present, a Bonaparte's Gull and two Common Loons as well as three marauding Bald Eagles.
The air was heavy with sounds of singing warblers this morning, despite some rain. More year firsts appeared including Chimney Swifts (Barton Cove), 9 Ovenbirds, 3 Wood Thrushes, 2 Blackburnian Warblers and an American Redstart. Hopefully, I'll have a more complete post on the migrant surge over the last three days - it's been quite amazing!
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