Finally an opportunity came around to photograph a Common Redpoll in Gill. A nice male was on the feeders at lunch time. It's been a little frustrating in a sense because Redpolls have certainly been present in the area for the the last three days. However, extensive areas of birch (loaded with catkins) in the surrounding hillsides have probably provided more attraction to them than our backyard feeders. Yesterday, just after dawn I saw 15-20 Common Redpolls around Darby Hill though few actually settled, and again today, calls of redpolls were frequently heard all morning with a party of eight birds settling briefly in birches on Clapp Hill.
A second redpoll which briefly joined the Common looks very good for a first-winter Hoary Redpoll. It was clearly larger, longer tailed with a surprisingly deep fork in the tail. The overall ground color of the bird was much lighter than the Common with a lovely rich buff-ocher wash around the throat and face. It was not the clearest example of a Hoary Redpoll that I've seen, but on the other hand, the overall combination of characteristics left me with little doubt. Hopefully it will show up again tomorrow!
Common Redpoll (left) with Hoary Redpoll (right) - Gill, Franklin Co., MA. December 30th, 2010. The Hoary appears short-billed with extensive ocher coloring around the face. Also shows 'baggy pants' with extensive feathering around the legs. Image taken using Panasonic Lumix DMC - FZ40.
A second redpoll which briefly joined the Common looks very good for a first-winter Hoary Redpoll. It was clearly larger, longer tailed with a surprisingly deep fork in the tail. The overall ground color of the bird was much lighter than the Common with a lovely rich buff-ocher wash around the throat and face. It was not the clearest example of a Hoary Redpoll that I've seen, but on the other hand, the overall combination of characteristics left me with little doubt. Hopefully it will show up again tomorrow!