FL - Sunshine birds - Part II
Burrowing Owl - Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas National Park, February 14th, 2010. Red-cockaded Woodpeker - Babbcock-Webb WMA, February 18th, 2010. Florida Scrub-Jays - Canaveral National Seashore, February 8th, 2010.Glaucous Gull (first-cycle) - Daytona Beach, February 8th, 2010.Harlequin Duck - Sebastian Inlet, February 9th, 2010.Painted Bunting - Bill Baggs S.P., Key Bisayne, February 12th, 2010.Barred Owls - Everglades National Park, February 11th, 2010. Black-hooded Parakeets - Holmes Beach, February 19th, 2010. Bachman's Sparrow - Three Lakes WMA, Kissimmee, February 20th, 2010.American Purple Gallinule - Three Lakes WMA, Kissimmee, February 20th, 2010. American Crocodile - Flamingo, Everglades National Park, February 11th, 2010.American Bittern - Vierra Wetlands, February 8th, 2010.Pine Warbler - Corkscrew Sanctuary, February 17th, 2010.
More great shots of some great birds.
Thanks Larry. Hope you're doing well! See you out there soon.
Stunning images in both the first and the second Fl post! I can't begin to say which ones I liked best, maybe the the white-crowned pigeon, the snail kite, the barred owls....
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