Just back from an excellent Birdfinders tour of Alaska with plenty of images to post in the forthcoming days. This White Wagtail was a good find near Nome Harbor by Paul & Andrea Kelly and Steve Minton on our very last morning in Nome. I'd put all my gear away for the flight back to Anchorage but managed a few digibin shots as I drove by the dock to shuttle the group to the airport. This bird appears to be a male of the East Siberian form M.a. ocularis.
A day of thundery showers didn't seem to bring too much in the way of late migrants to Prescott peninsula, Quabbin. In terms of incidental observations, two male Evening Grosbeaks was certainly a highlight. Looking back, it's been quite a few years since I've had views as good as this. However, this was certainly bettered by the sight of a Bobcat trotting down the main track of the Prescott in the middle of the day! I narrowly missed getting images through the car windscreen to share on the blog, but it was still a thrilling moment.Birds on nests today included this Red-eyed Vireo and a Least Flycatcher, with the latter seemingly one of the most abundant species on the Prescott. Magnolia Warblers too, were ever present and abundant.
Despite boreal migrants being regularly posted in the Eastern part of the state, the general dearth continues here in the West, at least on my outings! A singing Cape May Warbler on the Umass-Amherst campus on May 30th has been the migrant highlight of recent days.